Message from
the CEO

Training + Advocate
The company name Trainocate is a combination of the words Training and Advocate.
It reflects our dedication and vocation of being a 'Training Advocate'.

We have been providing high-end, high-quality training services in many countries.
As a result, our efforts are highly valued among IT vendors, and they have given us over 60 awards in total.
We have been steadily expanding our business footprint across Asia and beyond with a single-minded focus on our goal to becoming the world's #1 IT human resource development from Asia, just like climbing to the top of Mount Everest.

We appreciate your continuing support.


Company name
Trainocate Holdings, Ltd.
President and CEO
Takashi Ozawa
Number of employees
585 (* across the entire Trainocate Group)

President and CEO

Takashi Ozawa


Tatsuki Kikuchi


Atsuo Yoshida

Corporate Auditor

Masayuki Sato

Corporate Advisor

Yoichi Furuya

Head Office
Sumitomo Fudosan Shinjuku Oak Tower, 6-8-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo


The Japan branch of Global Knowledge Network was established as a spin-off of the education and training business division of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC; currently Hewlett Packard).
The company was reorganized as an independent company by a management buyout (MBO) backed by venture capitalist company JAFCO Group Co., Ltd.
The company concluded an underwriting agreement for bonds with share options as well as call options with Internet Research Institute, Inc.
The company became a subsidiary of Internet Research Institute, Inc.
The company became independent after transferring all shares from Internet Research Institute, Inc. The current management took over the business.
A subsidiary, Global Knowledge Management Center Co., Ltd. (Quintegral Ltd.), was established through the transfer of all businesses in Japan previously handled by the American Management Association (AMA).
The company started to advance overseas. The Global Knowledge Network Asia Group(*) was formed
*Singapore:Global Knowledge Network (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (later known as Trainocate (S) Pte. Ltd.), Malaysia:Global Knowledge Network (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (later known as TRAINOCATE (M) SDN. BHD.), India:Global Knowledge Network India Pvt Ltd. (later know as Trainocate Networks India Private Limited).
PT. Solutions Global Knowledge Indonesia (later know as PT. Trainocate Networks Indonesia) joined the group.
Global Knowledge (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (later known as Trainocate (Thailand) Company Limited) and Global Knowledge Vietnam Co., LTD (later known as Trainocate Vietnam Co., Ltd.) were founded.
Clisk Corporation joined the group.
The corporate name changed from Global Knowledge Network to Trainocate.
The company concluded a strategic business partnership with Kornerstone Limited in Hong Kong.
The Quintegral Asia Group was formed (The Philippines: Quintegral Philippines, Inc.; Singapore: Quintegral Pte. Ltd.; Malaysia: Quintegral Sdn. Bhd.).
The company entered into a strategic business partnership with TLG Learning in the USA.
Trainocate Taiwan (Trainocate Taiwan Co. Ltd.) was established.
Kornerstone Limited in Hong Kong founded a Chinese venture with Column Training and Consulting Co., Ltd. in Shanghai.
Trainocate Philippines (Trainocate Philippines Inc) was separated from Quintegral Philippines (Quintegral Philippines, Inc.).
Trainocate Sri Lanka (Trainocate Lanka Pvt Ltd.) was established.
Clisk Corporation became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Trainocate Holdings.
Trainocate Australia (Trainocate Australia Pty Ltd) was established.
Taito Sugishima became the President and CEO and Takashi Ozawa became the Chairman of the company.
Takashi Ozawa became the President and CEO of the company.